Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Seloka Pilihanraya...

Perak hari tu tengah sengsara, nak tentukan MB pun payah gila.
Bergaduh sini,bergaduh sana.Sampai sultan pun nak di durhaka.
Penang pula tak payah lah nak cerita. Dah sah dah DAP yang akan jaga.
Senyum lebar sampai ke telinga.Tergadai juga akhirnya.
Selangor pulak ada ceritanya..
Parti PKR yang jadi ketua…nak kata melayu tak juga,nak kata India pun bukan juga, nak kata Cina rasanya tak ada..Timbalan MB kejap ada,kejap tak ada.Bagi satu nak dua, bagi dua silap-silap mintak tiga.
Kedah jugak cepat settle, bagi kat PAS habis cerita.
Tak payah nak berjela-jela. Gaduh sini, gaduh sana.
Tapi PAS pun pembangkang juga.
Kelantan lagi la, langsung dah tak ada dalam peta.
Ops!!Aku tak sokong pun mana-mana.Kalau ada pun, itu rahsia.
Jangan cuba salah sangka. Saja je aku nak berseloka. Seloka khas pilihanraya.
Sana sini heboh sentiasa. Cerita pasal pilihanraya.
Yang menang tengah sibuk tempah meja.
Yang kalah pulak tak henti-henti garu kepala, dok fikir lepas ni nak kerja apa.
Silap-silap dihantuknya. Kalau kat tilam tak ape..takut kat dinding batu,jawabnya habis cerita. Maklumlah selama ini reti dok bercakap ajer. Kempen sini,kempen sana.
Buat kerja, haram tak tahu apa benda.
Yang menang pulak jangan dok teruja. Orang dok tengok banyak mata.
Janji yang dikata adakah dikota. Pening jugak kepala.
Apa tidaknya, nak buat tidak sesenang yang dikata.Hah..sekarang padan muka.
Silap hari tidur pun dah tak lena, makan pun dah tak selera.
Silap-silap mandi pun tak juga. Ambil tuala, main lap aja.
Mana tidaknya…RM6000 untuk sekeluarga, TOL pulak silap-silap dah tak ada.
Air pulak, 20meter padu dapat percuma aja.
Banyak lagi kalau aku nak cerita, tapi aku ambil yang penting-penting saja.
Lagipun, manifestonya tak semua aku baca….
Ok lah, lain kali aku sambung lagi seloka..
Pasal Nurul Izzah YB yang jelita...
Dengan Terengganu yang gila kuasa..

Lagi di…

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kau Kata...

Bahang panas pilihanraya masih belum lagi reda.

Kau marah…kau bengang..dan kau kata melayu derhaka. Kau kata melayu lupa. Dan kau kata segala-galanya. Kenapa? Mengapa?.

Kau tuduh melayu itu..kau tuduh melayu ini…kau kata melayu itu..kau kata melayu ini..kau kata ‘melayu harus berjaga-jaga’. Seperti amaran sesama bangsa.Siapa yang tak sokong siapa persoalannya…jangan hanya melihat sebelah mata,jangan hanya mendengar sebelah telingga. Betul ke melayu pangkah lain bangsa? Bukti apa yang ada? Bila kalah kenapa hanya itu dinampaknya. Kalau benar sekali demikian rupa jadinya, siasatlah betul-betul apakah puncanya. Bukan nya main tuduh membabi buta, bukanya main kata ikut suka. Seolah-olah kau sahaja yang sayang bangsa.

Kalau semuanya adil dan saksama, terbela dan terjaga..kenapa perlu pangkah lain bangsa…tidak ada guna itu semua. Melayu mana yang tak sayang Negara..tanah air yang tercinta…Melayu yang mana mahu gadaikan bangsa…melayu mana yang mahu hilang semuanya!!!!!! Lagi-lagi kau kata…melayu lupa dan melayu derhaka. Mana melayu mahu sengsara…mana melayu mahu derita!!!!

Melayu sendiri yang punya angkara…andainya maruah tidak terbela….andainya nasib tidak terjaga..andainya tanah air bertukar bangsa….bukan melayu tak tahu itu semua.
Melayu tidak mahu berputih mata…

Dulu semasa melayu percaya…kenapa melayu yang dilupa…melihat melayu sebelah mata…mendengar melayu sebelah telingga…yang terdekat sahaja yang didengarnya, yang disebelah sahaja yang dipandangnya..

Melayu bukan tak sayang Negara....melayu seolah-olah terpaksa. Apa lagi pilihan yang melayu ada. Semoga ada yang buka mata. Semoga tiada yang pekakkan telinga. Biarlah ini yang pertama dan biarlah ini juga yang terakhirnya. Jadi pengajaran untuk selamanya.

Kau kata melayu lupa…kau kata melayu derhaka…Apakah kau tidak lupa?Apakah kau tidak derhaka?Apakah kau taat setia pada agama,bangsa dan Negara…?

Lagi di....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Malayan Emergency

In the nineteenth century Britain claimed Malaya and parts of Borneo as colonies. Many local Malays did not want their country to be a colony of Britain but they were not strong enough to remove the colonial power. This continued through to World War 2, when, in 1941, the Japanese invaded and defeated the British, and occupied the area, ‘liberating’ it from colonialism (but in fact imposing their own often brutal colonial rule).

During this period the British trained and equipped many local Malays and Malay Chinese as guerrilla groups to fight the Japanese. The Chinese in particular hated the Japanese because of their invasion of and brutal behaviour in parts of China in the 1930s.
At the end of the war, the British wanted non-communist Malays to take control - but the Malay Chinese, many of whom were communists, wanted Malaya to be a communist country, so they started to fight the British.
1957 population figures for Malaya:
Malays - 3.12 million
Chinese - 2.33 million
Indians - 0.69 million
Others - 0.12 million(Federation of Malaya Year Book 1959)
The Malay Communists had the potential support of many local Malay Chinese - who had been badly treated by the government, denied land rights, and were economically very poorly off after the war. They sometimes helped, but rarely hindered, the active Malay Communists.
On 16 June 1948 three British planters were executed by communist terrorists (CTs) and a State of Emergency was declared by the British government.
One early tactic was to move many Malays in fringe areas to new villages, to keep them away from the Malay Chinese communist influence. This was initially resented, although it improved their living conditions eventually.

From 1951, the British started a campaign to ‘win the hearts and minds’ of the Malays, as well as defeating the CT guerrillas. The tactic was to isolate the guerrillas from community support, and drive them into the jungle where existence was difficult. Patrolling would keep them on the move, and break up their concentration of strength, wear them down, and destroy their hidden supply and ammunition caches. Aerial bombing would also be a part of this continual harassment.

The Malay and British governments asked Australia for military support. The Australian government was keen to help; Communism seemed to be on the spread in Asia; support would stabilise a friendly government in the region; it would also maintain a traditional commitment to Britain; it would also show that Australia was a good ally ready to help its South East Asian Treaty Organisation allies. It also suited Australia to meet any potential enemy in other countries: Prime Minister Menzies said in 1955, ‘...if there is to be war for our existence it should be carried on as far from our shores as possible’.
By 1955, when Australian troops arrived in Malaya, the war against the CTs was being won, but needed a long and wearying ‘cleaning up’ process - in which the Australians took part.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Malaya Under Attack

Attack Launched - Dec 8th - On the 4th December 1941, Yamishita’s preparations were put to the test as the Japanese convoy left Samah harbour heading for Malaya.

Z Force - Dec 10th - Churchill’s deterrent to the Japanese Navy, the battleship Prince of Wales and the battle cruiser Repulse, called Z Force and commanded by Admiral Tom Phillips.

Jitra - Dec 11th - No defenses were in operation, antitank mines laid in piles, the defenses had not been wired for communication and the trenches were waterlogged. The troops started the impossible task of preparing to defend this vital stronghold, but time running out.

Penang - Dec 17th - The island of Penang was known by the British as Fortress Penang but in reality it had four anti-aircraft guns and a garrison of 500 untrained troops.

Long Retreat - Dec 18th - Jan 11th - Percival had a problem, although the Perak River was a natural defence, it stretched from Telok Anson in the south to beyond Koala Kangsar in the north and he had lost a great number of his troops.

South Malaya - Jan 13th - Jan 31st - Wavell took over the command while the Japanese were bursting through our defenses at the Slim River, there was now no natural obstacle left to stop their advance.